March 27, 2008

Going Cloth?

So, it's been a long time coming, but we're finally converting to cloth diapers. We have a stash of about 32 prefolds and I have 2 covers in the mail on their way to me due to arrive tomorrow!! I am very excited for a few reasons.

1. We will save a TON of money by not having to buy sposies.

2. The cloth is much softer and breathable. It also doesn't contain nasty chemicals like disposables, therefore, Alexander will have a nice rash-free bum!!

3. I can reuse them. Though it will be harder for me than another mommy as I will wash by hand, you just throw them in the wash, and you're done.

4. They are good for the environment (Earth day is April 22nd!!)

5. They are CUTE!! BumGenius, Swaddlebees, Bummis Wraps...the list goes on!! Such CUTE diapers!! And, I've been finding GREAT deals at!! Check it out and let the addiction take over!

Those are just a FEW reasons to CD. It's not like it was 20 years ago. It isn't the hassle or the mess that people assume it to be. Sometimes, the net can give you so much info, that it makes it confusing! Why not read about going cloth is one place.

For anyone looking for more info, a cafemom wrote a WONDERFUL journal with easy to read information, including pics, on the different diapers and methods of CDing!! Find it here.

So, when you're deciding which paths to follow in parenting (breast vs. bottle, natural vs. medical birth, circumcising or not) add cloth vs. sposies to your list!! If you want to do best by your baby and best by the environment, it's really something to look in to, you may be surprised!

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