June 8, 2009

Maternity Photography

Photograph property of Kathleen Holt of K. Holt Photography (aka myself)

This is something I really wish I had done with ALL of my pregnancies. However, during my first I didn't want ANY pictures of my belly. I wasn't a fan of the bump at all...interesting how things change! With Iris, other than a few snapshots (not at all intended to capture pregnancy) I have no pictures either. I finally decided I wanted professional maternity portraits with Alexander, but then we didn't have the money. Thankfully, we were offered a complimentary shoot to help build a local photographer's portfolio. I was taking photos at that time, but wasn't serious about it yet, or I'd have done my own.

Now I'm happy to offer the same to my own clients, and I have done a few complimentary shoots to build my own maternity portfolio. It is something that is so much fun, not only for a birth junkie like me, but for the mama herself. At a time when you are starting to wonder if this is all really worth the baby at the other end, you get to feel sexy, beautiful, glowing again...for some, even more than you ever did before. AND YOU ARE! A pregnant mama is one of the most beautiful things on earth (other than newborn babes, of course!).

Did you have maternity pictures taken for any of your pregnancies? Did you enjoy them or regret them? If you didn't have them done, was it a money issue or a personal preference? How bare would you go? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us!

This was one of my favorites from our shoot, Iris's hand on my belly.

Photo copyright Ashley Edwards of Focused Creations photography.


Tanya said...

Sadly, all I have from my pregnancy with Kent is one picture that got layered on another when they were printed, and a video from 2 days before I went into labor. I will definately get pro pics done with my next pregnancy and I will go quite bare actually! lol

Kate said...

Tanya, that's great! I took some topless shots of my good friend in our last session and they look so amazing! Nothing prettier than a bare mama. I hope you get the pictures you want! Thanks for replying!

Cara R. from Facebook said...

I had really hoped on having maternity pictures done but I ended up in the hospital when my water broke a day shy of 33 weeks. I would still have loved to have had the pictures done even if it was in the hospital and I was on bed rest. I hope to be able to get pictures done next time, I just might plan on getting them done a little earlier then normal. My advice: Maybe advertise that you can do them in a hospital for women on bed rest who want them done? I would have done it! Btw all of your pictures are terrific! If you didn't live so far from me I'd want to hire you!

Kate said...

Thanks Cara. That's something I might consider, but for now I am a natural light photographer. When I do invest in portable professional lighting, I can add that to my resume :) I'm sorry to hear you were unable to get them done. I tell women to book anytime between 30-40 weeks, but some show early and I have done photos at 6 months. It all varies depending on the mommy!