January 26, 2010

2 pending homebirths

I haven't posted in a log time and I was planning, at one point, to blog about why but I've decided to just let it go.

So to bring everyone up to speed I have recently started a new adventure in the world of pregnancy and post birth working at a very popular Maternity clothing store part time. It's been very fun and fulfilling to help these women, some only weeks along in their first pregnancy.

Some clients are such regulars that I know them on a first name basis, others are one time shoppers getting a few basic things but I try to make the most out of each interaction. I've shared much breastfeeding advice and had to bite my tongue other times at things I've heard (or seen!). But all in all, I am so happy to work there, it's very good for me.

In other news, my best friend is pregnant with a baby boy and planning a homebirth. She had twin girls her first pregnancy 4 and a half years ago and had the typical hospital experience: helped along with pit, epidural, purple pushing, etc. She *did* have them vaginally which I think she's always felt was a blessing. So obviously, this is a whole new territory for her and I get to be there with her to experience it. I have yet to meet her midwife but she seems like a very sweet and smart woman. I cannot wait for this birth sometime between mid march and mid april.

There's another woman I know planning a homebirth with her second baby, a surprise package due at the end of February. She was looking for birth support through an online forum we both frequent and after meeting, we both clicked. I plan on photographing her birth as well as offering any support she may need. She's also in the care of an excellent and kind midwife.

I'm so looking forward to these experiences and feel giddy as a school girl! It seems like it's been so long since I've been around fresh new babies and even longer since I've gotten to experience this miracle with another mother.

I will continue to update on the these two births as time draws near!

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