February 8, 2008


At dinner with my In-laws tonight, my step-mother-in-law (yes, you read that right) was sitting next to me as I tried to encourage Alexander to eat, something he was not interested in at the time. As I fixed my self and sat him up she smiled down at him and said "You're so lucky to be able to breastfeed.".

I know that she formula fed her daughters and it had come up at Thanksgiving. I think most of it was the times and the lack of support/information. They "wouldn't latch" to the breast, and therefor were bottle babies. I just thought it was sort of a bittersweet feeling to hear her say that I was lucky. Her voice sounded so sad, but I know that she's happy her little baby grandson is breastfed.

Yes, I'm lucky to be able to breastfeed, but my son is luckier to BE breastfed.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Its wonderful that she realizes what a great thing you are doing, but at the same time, I dont think theres anything to do with luck. I know you have worked DAMN hard to get here, and have sought out information, support, etc.

So, I think DS is lucky, you are just plain SMART, DEDICATED, and AWESOME!!!


Kate said...

thanks jada. Yes, I definitely did my homework so I didn't have to rely on luck alone to succeed in breastfeeding. I have come to learn that it is definitely mind over matter, much like birth, and only a select few women will be unable in a select few situations.

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration to me!! you are paving such a great path for future bf'ers and you are a great example that it CAN be done!! knowledge is power!!!
i heart you <3

Kate said...

Thanks Patti, I think you give me WAY more credit than I'm really worthy of! lol